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Provtagning och undersökning – Blodsockermätning

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Talk to your healthcare provider or refer to the product user guide for questions about Contour PLUS ONE.

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Gestational diabetes and pregnancy | Rei’s story | Diabetes UK

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Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar in pregnant women who haven’t had diabetes before. For tips and information watch Rei’s story.

Around 16 in 100 pregnant women get gestational diabetes. Up to 50% of them will go on to develop type 2 diabetes within four years of giving birth.

To find out how to look after yourself if you have gestational diabetes – or how to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes – go to
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(USMLE topics) What is Gestational Diabetes? Pathology, Risk factors, Complications and Treatments. This video is available for instant download licensing here :
©Alila Medical Media. All rights reserved.
Voice by: Ashley Fleming
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Gestational diabetes is a transient form of diabetes mellitus some women may acquire during pregnancy. Diabetes refers to high levels of blood glucose, commonly known as blood sugar. Glucose is the major energy source of the body. It comes from digestion of carbohydrates and is carried by the bloodstream to the body’s cells. But glucose cannot enter the cells on its own; to do so, it requires assistance from a hormone produced by the pancreas called insulin. Insulin induces the cells to take up glucose, thereby removing it from the blood. Diabetes happens when insulin is either deficient or not used effectively. Without insulin, glucose cannot enter the cells; it stays in the blood, causing high blood sugar levels.
During pregnancy, a temporary organ develops to connect the mother and the fetus, called the placenta. The placenta supplies the fetus with nutrients and oxygen, as well as produces a number of hormones that work to maintain pregnancy. Some of these hormones impair the action of insulin, making it less effective. This insulin-counteracting effect usually begins at about 20 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. The effect intensifies as the placenta grows larger, and becomes most prominent in the last couple of months. Usually, the pancreas is able to adjust by producing more insulin, but in some cases, the amount of placental hormones may become too overwhelming for the pancreas to compensate, and gestational diabetes results.
Any woman can develop gestational diabetes, but those who are overweight or have family or personal history of diabetes or prediabetes are at higher risks. Other risk factors include age, and having previously given birth to large babies.
While gestational diabetes usually resolves on its own after delivery, complications may arise if the condition is severe and/or poorly managed.
Because of the constant high glucose levels in the mother’s blood, the fetus may receive too much nutrients and grow too large, complicating the birth process, and a C-section may be needed for delivery.
High levels of glucose also stimulate the baby’s pancreas to produce more insulin than usual. Shortly after delivery, as the baby continues to have high insulin levels but no longer receives sugar from the mother, the baby’s blood sugar levels can drop suddenly and become exceedingly low, causing seizures. The newborn’s blood sugar level must therefore be monitored and corrected with prompt feeding, or if necessary, with intravenous glucose.
High blood sugar may also increase the mother’s blood pressure and risks of preterm birth. Future diabetes in both mother and child is also more likely to occur.
Gestational diabetes can be successfully managed, or even prevented, with healthy diets, physical exercise, and by keeping a healthy weight before and during pregnancy. In some cases, however, medication or insulin injection may be needed.
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O diabetes tipo 2 tem cura?

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O diabetes tipo 2 tem cura?

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Eu sou a Dra. Aline David, nutricionista, mestre e doutora pela USP.

O foco desse canal é ajudar NUTRICIONISTAS a terem uma conduta nutricional assertiva.

Este vídeo é destinado a profissionais da área da saúde.



Diabetes Insipidus

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Diabetes Insipidus

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Diabetes Prevalence

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Currently 2.9 million people in the UK are estimated to be recorded as living with diabetes. It is believed that as much as an extra half a million people may be currently undiagnosed with diabetes.

The prevalence of diabetes across the UK is around 4.5% of the population.

The prevalence of diabetes is currently rising each year and each recorded figure is becoming quickly dated. For the latest diabetes prevalence figures, visit and search for prevalence.

Prevalence of diabetes:
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What is New in Diabetes Care?

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Diabetes – Drawing on a healthier lifestyle

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Diabetes researcher Michelle Hadjiconstantinou has combined science with art to produce a powerful awareness-raising message for World Diabetes Day.

The University of Leicester PhD student, who is based at the Leicester Diabetes Centre, turned to her artistic side to create a short animation aimed at highlighting the challenges posed by Type 2 diabetes.

The project was completed as part of Michelle’s doctorate into developing web-based interventions to improve the wellbeing of people with Type 2 diabetes and has been released for this year’s World Diabetes Day.

The film, which is based on findings from published research and describes what happens to the body when people get the condition, including the physiological changes. It also looks at how diabetes impacts on wellbeing as well as covering medication, self-management, diet, sedentary behaviour and physical activity.
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World Diabetes Day is the primary global awareness campaign focusing on diabetes mellitus and is held on 14 November each year.
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Greta Tidholm fick ångest och blev deprimerad av p-piller – Malou Efter tio (TV4)

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Malou Efter tio i TV4 från 2016-11-21: Greta Tidholm, bloggare, är en av många unga kvinnor som blivit deprimerad av p-piller. Gynekolog Rika Hammarström ger råd om alternativ.

Malou efter tio i TV4 är ett samhällsprogram med Malou von Sivers. Aktuella teman och intervjuer med artister, författare och politiker. Se hela avsnitt av Malou efter tio:

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Malou efter tio is a Swedish talkshow on TV4 with host Malou von Sivers.
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This video and more updated versions of similar videos are available for instant download licensing
©Alila Medical Media. All rights reserved.
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All images/videos by Alila Medical Media are for information purposes ONLY and are NOT intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Diabetes refers to a group of conditions characterized by a high level of blood glucose, commonly referred to as blood sugar. Too much sugar in the blood can cause serious, sometimes life-threatening health problems.
There are two types of chronic diabetic conditions: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Pregnant women may acquire a transient form of the disease called “gestational diabetes” which usually resolves after the birth of baby. Pre-diabetes is when the blood sugar level is at the borderline: higher than normal, but lower than in diabetics. Prediabetes may or may not progress to diabetes.
During food digestion, carbohydrates – or carb – break down into glucose which is carried by the bloodstream to various organs of the body. Here, it is either consumed as an energy source – in muscles for example – or is stored for later use in the liver. Insulin is a hormone produced by beta cells of the pancreas and is necessary for glucose intake by target cells. In other words, when insulin is deficient, muscle or liver cells are unable to use or store glucose, and as a result, glucose accumulates in the blood.
In healthy people, beta cells of the pancreas produce insulin; insulin binds to its receptor on target cells and induces glucose intake.
In type 1 diabetes, beta cells of the pancreas are destroyed by the immune system by mistake. The reason why this happens is unclear, but genetic factors are believed to play a major role. Insulin production is reduced; less insulin binds to its receptor on target cells; less glucose is taken into the cells, more glucose stays in the blood. Type 1 is characterized by early onset, symptoms commonly start suddenly and before the age of 20. Type 1 diabetes is normally managed with insulin injection. Type 1 diabetics are therefore “insulin dependent”.
In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas produces enough insulin but something goes wrong either with receptor binding or insulin signaling inside the target cells. The cells are not responsive to insulin and therefore cannot import glucose; glucose stays in the blood. In other words, type 2 diabetics are “insulin resistant”. Here again, genetic factors predispose susceptibility to the disease, but it is believed that lifestyle plays a very important role in type 2. Typically, obesity, inactive lifestyle, and unhealthy diet are associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 is characterized by adult onset; symptoms usually appear gradually and start after the age of 30. Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 80 to 90% of all diabetics. Management focuses on weight loss and includes a low-carb diet.


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Diabetes e Impotência Sexual do Homem | Dr. Marco Túlio Cavalcanti

Diabetes e Impotência Sexual do Homem | Dr. Marco Túlio Cavalcanti – Urologista e Andrologista (CRM: 136030 – RQE: 56669)


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Diabetes e Impotência Sexual do Homem | Dr. Marco Túlio Cavalcanti – Urologista e Andrologista (CRM: 136030 – RQE: 56669)

O que causa impotência?
A impotência masculina atinge os homens em dois grandes grupos: aqueles que estão impotentes devido a uma causa psicogênica e aqueles que têm causas físicas que levam ao problema, como algumas doenças. Porém, há também um outro grupo que mistura problemas físicos aos psicogênicos tendo como resultado uma disfunção erétil.

Para entender se o homem está no grupo que tem causas psicológicas ou orgânicas (físicas) que levaram à disfunção erétil, o primeiro passo é procurar um andrologista/urologista, que irá ouvi-lo para entender que motivos levaram ao problema.

Conhecer bem a história do paciente é fundamental para levar a um tratamento correto. Conhecendo bem os detalhes da vida do paciente já é possível fazer 80% do diagnóstico.

Quando as causas da impotência são psicológicas, o problema pode ocorrer de forma brusca, ou seja, o paciente nunca teve falhas e de repente começa a falhar nas ereções. Muitas vezes, quando isso ocorre o paciente começa a ficar ansioso e manifestar uma preocupação constante na hora das relações, o que pode gerar novas falhas, devido à conhecida ansiedade de desempenho.

Problemas financeiros ou outras preocupações na vida do paciente também podem levar à impotência por fatores psicológicos.

Muitas vezes, essas causas psicogênicas também são circunstanciais, ou seja, o problema ocorre com pessoas diferentes ou em determinadas situações.

Além disso, quando essa disfunção é psicológica, os pacientes costumam ter a ereção matinal preservada, ou seja, a fisiologia do pênis continua funcionando de forma satisfatória, mas na hora da relação sexual, o problema surge.

Causas orgânicas
Pelas causas orgânicas, o avanço da idade está muito relacionada ao desempenho sexual e a associação com muitas doenças podem provocar o problema, por exemplo, é certo dizer que diabetes causa impotência. Além disso, a disfunção é gradativa e as ereções vão ficando mais fracas, inclusive as ereções matinais.

Nestes casos, a principal causa orgânica da impotência é de origem vascular, ou seja, a artéria cavernosa, que leva o fluxo sanguíneo para a ereção, está obstruída. O alerta aqui é que essa disfunção pode estar sendo problema por um problema cardiovascular, que podem levar a um infarto ou um AVC.

Mas existem outras patologias que também terão como consequência secundária esse problema de ordem sexual, como:

Lesões no nervo cavernoso peniano (pós cirurgias de prostatectomia, neuropatia diabética ou lesões na medula espinhal);
Aterosclerose (vasos sanguíneos obstruídos);
Tratamentos com radiação para câncer;
Mal de Parkinson;
Esclerose múltipla;
Hormonal (baixo nível de testosterona ou de hormônios tireoidianos);
Uso de alguns medicamentos;
Colesterol e triglicerídeos altos;
Hipertensão arterial;
Doença de Peyronie (doença do pênis curvo);
Excesso de ingestão de bebida alcoolica ou uso de drogas;

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Understanding Diabetes Insipidus

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This video contains a detailed and simplified explanation about diabetes insipidus. We discuss the differences between cranial and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, the signs and symptoms, testing for diabetes insipidus including an explanation of urine and blood osmolality and the water deprivation test (also known as the desmopressin stimulation test) and how we manage diabetes insipidus.

More written notes and diagrams about diabetes insipidus are available on the website at

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What is diabetes insipidus? Diabetes insipidus is a condition characterized by the production of large quantities of dilute and tasteless urine.

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